Take a self-driving car surfing

Transparent Factory unveils new star exhibit for autonomous driving.

The SEDRIC (short for SElf-DRIving Car) is Volkswagen’s first concept vehicle to be created through a cross-brand development process and underlines the central importance of fully automated driving to the Group’s future strategy.

Since the world premiere in Geneva on 6 March 2017 and the unveiling of a show car at the Transparent Factory, considerable advances have been made in the development of both the self-driving system and systems for environmental detection and traffic data analysis.
Parallel to this technological progress with the self-driving system, the development of design, user experience, safety and comfort solutions is also progressing at a pace.

Following on from the “Original SEDRIC”, SEDRIC 42, SEDRIC Nightlife and SEDRIC Schoolbus, the newest member of the family, the SEDRIC Active, was unveiled in 2018, and is now on show in Dresden.

The redesigned interior and exterior are tailored to the unique needs of water-sports enthusiasts and people with an active lifestyle. The SEDRIC Active’s roof rack system can transport a full windsurfing kit comprising a surfboard and sail. In future, the next available self-driving car could be summoned at the push of a button, ready to take its passengers and their equipment comfortably and safely to the beach.